It can take a while to find your calling in life but sometimes, your calling finds you. In my case, I made the discovery as a child that making furniture was my nirvana and that when I grew up, all I want to do was design and build furniture. Luckily for me, that was exactly what I did.
I began studying woodworking as soon as that option was available to me when I was in school and continued to learn and hone my craft after completing school. I went overseas shortly after completing my apprenticeship and travelled for several years to learn more about furniture making before returning to Brisbane and studying with local furniture master craftsman, Robert Dunlop. Since then, I've been blessed to have been able to make a career designing and building furniture through my commercial company that specialises in luxury furniture and fit outs for super yachts as we as an online retail store that specialises in high end sustainable furniture. My work has been featured in international forums like the Monaco Boat Show, as well as closer to home at the Queensland Museum. I am grateful to have won numerous awards, including, Queenslander Furniture of The Year 3 years in a row.
Woodworking is not for the fainthearted. The joy of creating is intricately and evenly balanced with the fragility of the task as one inopportune move can easily ruin months of painstaking labor. It is a study in patience. Sometimes it can take up to a year to complete a complex intricate piece. It is a test of endurance. The ability to focus on the task, remain motivated and dedicated, can only be managed because I love what I do. It's a reward to step back every hour or few hours to look at what I have created and feel such a sense of happiness. Knowing that when completed, it will become a happy part of someone's life, someone's home, someone's memory, is deeply meaningful. It is above all things, a labor of love. Using your skills to bring joy is joy in itself. Knowing that I was able to build furniture that will last for generations is one of the reasons why I love being a furniture maker. Building well designed and well crafted furniture in a way that honours the timber in a sustainable fashion, so that it can last for a lifetime is the responsibility of every furniture maker.
I hope you enjoy browsing my portfolio of work and one day, I look forward to building something that you will love and keep forever.